ch20: Redirections and Load Balancing

1. Why Redirect?

  • Perform HTTP transactions reliably

  • Minimize delay

  • Conserve network bandwidth

2. Overview of Redirection Protocols

General redirection methods:

  • HTTP redirection

  • DNS redirection

  • Anycast addressing

  • IP MAC forwarding

  • IP address forwarding

Proxy and cache redirection techniques:

  • Explicit browser configuration

  • Proxy auto-configuration (PAC)

  • Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol (WPAD)

  • Internet Cache Protocol (ICP)

  • Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP)

  • Hyper Text Caching Protocol (HTCP)

3. General Redirection Methods

3.1 HTTP Redirection


HTTP/1.0 302 Redirect
Server: Stronghold/2.4.2 Apache/1.3.6

3.2 DNS Redirection

Just like zkname.

4. Proxy Redirection Methods

4.2 Explicit Browser Configuration

Most browsers can be configured to contact a proxy server for content.

4.3 Proxy Auto-configuration

An automatic configuration methodology that allows browsers to dynamically configure themselves to contact the correct proxy server solves this problem.

4.4 Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol

PAC file autodiscovery.

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