2. Representing and Manipulating Information
Solutions for csapp chapter 2.
2.55 Compile and Run2.56 Another Try2.57 More show Procedures2.58 Check Little-Endian2.59 Bit Expressions2.60 Replace Byte2.61 More Bit Expressions2.62 Check Arithmetic Right Shift2.63 Logic & Arithmetic Right Shift2.64 Any Odd One2.65 Odd Ones2.66 Leftmost One2.67 Int Size is 322.68 Lower One Mask2.69 Rotate Left2.70 Fits Bits2.71 Xbyte2.72 Copy Int2.73 Saturating Add2.74 Sub OK2.75 Unsigned High Prod2.76 calloc2.77 Multiple By Shifts2.78 Divide Power 22.79 Mul3div42.80 Three Fourths2.81 Generate Bits2.82 Signed and Unsigned2.83 Binary Floating Value2.84 Float Le2.85 Floating Point I2.86 Extend Precision2.87 Floating-Point II2.88 Floating-Point III2.89 Floating-Point IV2.90 fpwr22.91 π2.92 Float Negate2.93 Float Absval2.94 Float Twice2.95 Float Half2.96 Float f2i2.97 Float i2f
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