ch11: Client Identification and Cookies

1. The Personal Touch

Mechanisms to identify users:

  • HTTP headers that carry information about user identity

  • Client IP address tracking, to identify users by their IP address

  • User login, using authentication to identify users

  • Fat URLs, a technique for embedding identify in URLs

  • Cookies, a powerful but efficient technique for maintaining persistent identity

2. HTTP Headers

HTTP headers carry clues about users:

Header name

Header type




User's email address



User's browser software



Page user came from by following link



Username and password



Client's IP address



Client's IP address



Server-generated ID label

3. Client IP Address


  • Client IP addresses describe only the computer being used, not the user.

  • Many Internet service providers dynamically assign IP addresses to users when they log in.

  • The Network Address Translation (NAT) devices obscure the IP addresses of the real clients behind the firewall.

  • HTTP proxies and gateways typically open new TCP connections to the origin server.

4. User Login


5. Fat URLs

Some web sites keep track of user identity by generating special versions of each URL for each user.

URLs modified to include user state information are called fat URLs.


  • Ugly URLs: the fat URLs displayed in the browser are confusing for new users.

  • Can't share URLs: the fat URLs contain state information about a particular user and session.

  • Breaks caching: Generating user-specific versions of each URL means that there are no longer commonly accessed URLs to cache.

  • Extra server load: the server needs to rewrite HTML pages to fatten the URLs.

  • Not persistent across sessions: All information is lost when the user logs out, unless he bookmarks the particular fat URL.

6. Cookies

Cookies are the best current way to identify users and allow persistent sessions.

6.1 Types of Cookies

  • session cookies

  • persistent cookies

6.2 How Cookies Work

The basic idea of cookies is to let the browser accumulate a set of server-specific information, and provid this information back to the server each time you visit.

The browser is responsible for storing the cookie information, this system is called client-side state.

6.4 Different Cookies for Different Sites

A browser typically sends only two or three cookies to each site.

In general, a browser sends to a server only those cookies that the server generated.

A server generating a cookie can control which sites get to see that cookie by adding a Domain attribute to the Set-Cookie response header:

Set-cookie: user="mary17"; domain=""

If the user visits, the following Cookie header will be issued:

Cookie: user="mary17"

A special auto-rental cookie might be generated like this:

Set-cookie: pref=compact; domain=""; path=/autos/

If the user goes to, she will get only this cookie:

Cookie: user="mary17"

But if she goes to , she will get both of these cookies:

Cookie: user="mary17"
Cookie: pref=compact

There are two different versions of cookie specifications in use.

6.5.1 Version 0 (Netscape) Cookies


Set-Cookie: name=value [; expires=date] [; path=path] [; domain=domain] [; secure]
Cookie: name1=value1 [; name2=value2] ...


Set-Cookie attribute



Set-Cookie: customer=Mary


Set-Cookie: foo=bar; expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT


Set-Cookie: SHIPPING=FEDEX; domain=""


Set-Cookie: lastorder=00183; path=/orders


Set-Cookie: private_id=519; secure

Secure: if this attribute is included, a cookie will be sent only if HTTP is using an SSL secure connection.

6.5.2 Version 1 (RFC 2965) Cookies

The RFC 2965 cookie standard is a bit more complicatead than the original Netscape standard and is not yet completely supported.

6.6 Cookies and Session Tracking

6.7 Cookies and Caching

You have to be careful when caching documents that are involved with cookie transactions.

Here are some guiding principles for dealing with caches:

  • Mark documents uncacheable if they are: Cache-Control: no-cache="Set-Cookie", Cache-Control: public

  • Be cautious about caching Set-Cookie headers:

6.8 Cookies, Security, and Privacy

Cookies themselves are not believed to be a tremendous security risk, because they can be disabled and because much of the tracking can be done through log analysis or other means.

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