This problem will give you a chance to reverse engineer a switch statement from disassembled machine code. In the following procedure, the body of the switch statement has been omitted:
long switch_prob(long x, long n) {
long result = x;
switch(n) {
/* Fill in code here */
return result;
Below shows the disassembled machine code for the procedure.
The jump table resides in a different area of memory. We can see from the indirect jump on line 5 that the jump table begins at address 0x4006f8. Using the GDB debugger, we can examine the six 8-byte words of memory comprising the jump table with the command x/6gx 0x4006f8. GDB prints the following:
long switch_prob(long x, long n) {
long result = x;
switch(n) {
case 60:
case 62:
result = 8 * x;
case 63:
result = x >> 3;
case 64:
x = 15 * x;
case 65:
x *= x;
result = 75 + x;
return result;